
Instructions To Parents / Guardians

  • In order to achieve all that is best in the education of your child, the maximum cooperation between parents and school staff is necessary. We require that parents/guardians look into their child’s school diary everyday and see to it that the lessons and homework assigned for the next day are done. Remarks made in the diary should be read and countersigned immediately.
  • Criticism of the school teacher or the school in their (student’s) presence must be avoided because it causes the students to lose respect for their teachers, with the consequent failure to learn from them. If you have complaint, please take an appointment with the principal OR call…………………(no.)
  • As your child advances in age, guide them to become resourceful and a useful member of home, society and country. Encourage them to do things for themselves in work and study thus inculcating self-dependence. (They should be encouraged to keep their room tidy, make their own bed, polish their own shoes, carry their own bag, etc.) The formation of such habits early in life cultivates in them the idea of the dignity of work, a fundamental personal virtue is necessary for a successful career in life.
  • Withdrawal of your child from classes for family, social function is strongly discouraged. It hinders the child’s progress in school and undermines respect for regular/hard work with consequent failure to make progress among students. If you need to withdraw your child from school before the end of school time, OR use the first bus service, if available, please send a duly signed application.
  • No parents /guardians are allowed to visit the class rooms without the prior permission of the principal’s office